Bill Schierl

Do-It-Yourself: Tips for Mixing

Bill Schierl
Do-It-Yourself: Tips for Mixing

Is there more to mixology than just adding alcohol to mixers and calling it a cocktail? Well…yes and no.

Mixology is a fancy word, but essentially it’s the process of mixing drinks. If you’ve ever added a shot of Riverbank Spiced Rum to your Point Root Beer, congratulations—you’re a mixologist! But as you probably know, that’s just scratching the surface of what mixology can be.

Mixing your own drinks can be whatever you want it to be. You’re the expert on your own favorite flavors. Want your drink strong? Go for it! Want it weak? That’s okay too (though we draw the line at mixing all the soda flavors for a Swamp Water). Want to try something completely bonkers? Do it! This is a no-judgement zone!

Whether you’re getting into mixology because you think it sounds just the right amount of cultured, or because you’ve already tried all the pre-mixed cocktails just getting through 2020 (It's 2021! Where are the new pre-mixes?), we’ve got you covered as you learn the ropes.

You don’t need an entire, professional bar to make good drinks.

You don’t need an entire, professional bar to make good drinks.

Get the Right Tools

We wrote a whole blog post about this! The short version: we found it much easier to enjoy the process once we picked up some simple bartending tools. It doesn’t have to cost a lot (you can get a basic set of tools for around $30), but it will save you time and let you put more of your focus into the fun part of mixology: the drinking!

Pay Attention to Your Taste Buds

Flavor pairings are the heart of good cocktails—if you have a certain taste in mind, pairing it with another flavor that enhances or complements that taste elevates your drink to a new level.

You can find resources online to help you pinpoint exactly what works with your cocktail. Of course, flavor pairings also work for food, so practicing your pairings gives you a good feel for combining flavors no matter what you make!

Buy Fresh

We heard this from our grandma a lot: Fresh ingredients just taste better. That’s true for a caprese salad, it’s true for a Fish Fry dinner, and it’s equally true for making your cocktails pop! Fresh herbs, fruit, spices, mixers…flavors get brighter when they’re fresh. Especially when you…

Make it Yourself

Relax. You got this.

Relax. You got this.

You can buy simple syrup, or you can just as easily make it. You can even make your own bitters, infusions, and other mixers. It’s a great way to dial in your own signature flavor. It also puts you in control of what you’re drinking, which is great if you’re watching your sugar intake or staying gluten-free.

Don’t Overthink

It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t turn out quite how you were expecting. Just step away and let the problem sit. With so many flavors involved, it’s easy for your tongue to get overwhelmed while you try different variations on a mix. Take a break. Try a different kind of cocktail. Talk with a friend.

Then, approach your mix fresh and see where it takes you! And always remember to…


Does this all sound like work? Take a step back, drink your favorite spirit on the rocks and then try again.

We love muddling fruit, grabbing some bitters, and making a true-to-tradition, supper club Old Fashioned. But we also love the simplicity of grabbing some Tapped Old Fashioned Cocktail Maple Syrup or legendary Shifty’s Mix and just adding Shorewood Whiskey and soda. There’s no “right way” to pursue it.

If you have fun and it tastes good—you’re doing it right! And that right there is the best tip we’ve got. 😉